Thursday, August 20, 2009

T's first day of kindergarten!

Here are Z and T ready to head out for their first day of school. T was so non-chlalnt about it all you would've thought he was heading out to do chores or something. When he got home I asked T what he did for his first day and he said he forgot. Then he said he lost the paper he was supposed to give me and when I asked what it was about he siad it was nothing important. Stellar beginning to his formal education. I'm just happy he didn't pee his pants at school today even though he did when he got home! Go figure.

This photo of the kids is of our short camping trip to Kelly Canyon. Then there is the two ponies we bought. The brown one is Mr. Goodbar, so named to give his some character according to my hubby. Notice that the pony almost looks like the perfect size for him, more so than his huge thouroughbred horse that is a monster. The little pinto is snickerdoodles and she is sweet. They are the newest additions to our family.


  1. Aw i miss you guys so much! Evie's hair looks twice as long as it was when we left and Tristan's soccer pictures are so cute! And happy new ponies! I can't wait to see you guys during Christmas we should be home dec 19-27 love you all!

  2. hope it was just a little pee and then go potty
