Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rodeo, Barbies and a new dining table!!!

Alright, it's been a few weeks and we have been busy! I got a new dining table, which we desperately needed with our expanding family. Speaking of expanding family the fertility clinic called and asked if we would like another three embryo's from the same donor as E's, hello more beautiful, feisty kids you bet!!! Barbie's, every girl needs one. We got some barbie's for the girls, thank you you-know-who, and E promptly combed her dolls perfectly coifed hair into a rat's nest much like her own and N has enjoyed them both. On Friday we went to the PRCA rodeo with G&G B and it was really fun. It was fast-paced and the kids loved the action and the rodeo clowns. The kids were soooo good, why can't they be like this in Sacrament, probably because there are no bucking broncs in sacrament.


  1. Love the new table and yay for more embryo's! When are you going to transfer? how exciting!

  2. Beautiful table! More babies???? You guys ROCK!!! I'm such a wimp! ;)

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